A look back in contemplation . . . at some of what we've accomplished together in remembering our fathers and loved ones BY NAME is here.
This was a welcome letter to receive . . . especially if you coordinate Henri-Chapelle!
For our purposes here in judging the rightness, wrongness, or the value of Honor in the presence of NAMES on our banners, the operative phrase above is that Superintendent Malone's mother wanted to remember her father ON the wreath (. . . and not WITH it). Interest in remembering her father BY NAME seems especially clear – when voiced by the mother of a Superintendent.
Especially when this mother and this son are just two of hundreds of invested Stakeholders and literally thousands of fans of the AWON Wreath and Banner program around the world.
Rhone American is small, of course . . . but proud.
In seeing the three-year sequence above (along with Malone's letter) one would wonder how mother and son will greet the news of AWON abandoning the banner NAMES due to sudden Coordinator apathy and inconvenience. When simplifying OUR lives becomes suddenly more important than remembering and honoring theirs.
If we're still about Speaking THEIR names . . . In THEIR Memory . . . Folks, this is not about simplifying OUR lives.
This story about our Banner Names made the front page of our newspaper last Memorial Day (a year ago). Dianna and I aren't much into blowing our own horn, evidenced by the fact that only Sharon (& none of the other Coordinators – or anyone in AWON) has ever seen it. But a Memorial Day Program like AWON's – based on something as compelling as remembering individual NAMES (when there are so MANY programs out there) – might suggest that this is a program compelling enough to be cared for carefully . . . rather than casually.
It's not often that a headline with "AWON" in it spans a whole 6-column newspaper page.
Like most newspaper stories, it includes some inaccuracies (despite our having submitted the same W&B "History" web page we flagged for you). If you want to actually read the story (without SQUINTing) click the PDF or the link below.
Finally, let's dispel any notion that AWON remembrances by Name are in any way non-"inclusive." That's just bunk.
From GRAPHIC one on BANNER one in YEAR one (at Henri-Chapelle in 2003) . . . our mantra, wishes, and remembrances have always been the same. See above. Or check the Memorial Day remembrance page – 2003 at Henri-Chapelle.