These are what we see as the main elements we'll need for the page, though anything here can be changed. No one will see this page until it's been approved – especially by Fleurs Mertens – who have produced beautiful wreaths for AWON for several years, with coordination by Régine, Bernard, & Marie Achten. Below are the original photos you had supplied to us, but we know you're working on pricing.
Pricing for A, B, and C should go here. We're hoping for pricing in U.S. dollars – to include the arrangement, the dollars-to-euros exchange fee, any applicable taxes, delivery to a specific marker or plaque at Henri-Chapelle, a photo of the arrangement at the marker, and the sending of the photo by E-Mail or Snailmail to the orderer.
It is our understanding that payment can be made through PayPal, and that AWON members can arrange for payment, even if they don't have a PayPal account. Please let us know if this is not the case.
Also, please send any changes you might want to make to this web page, including pricing. If we decide to go ahead with this page . . . please send an electronic version of your best logo – and we'll replace the temporary one below.
This is just a "trial" page. To make changes, please contact me at: Rik@dayone.com.
©2015 Fleurs Mertens • Welkenstaedt, Belgium