Happy Birthday, Dick! – a major milestone!
Of course now that we've made our "discovery" – that the milestone slipped by us (no excuses), we're a little contrite – actually a lot contrite, making us wonder whether this day is your opening performance date, or was a blatant fig newton of our imaginations . . . always a possibility at this age!
We still want to acknowledge and honor your birthday – a significant one – (on January 5th?) – that in the scheme of things, so many earlier generations never got to enjoy. The fact that you reached it simply means that your star is yet ahead – and that your quest isn't over. Though we suspect that La Mancha will represent a certain satisfaction well deserved.
The lyrics above are a microcosm of everything important in life . . . at least for those who relate in just this way . . . as so many of us do . . . to the immense travails and seeming impossibilities of life . . . to which a combination of great talent, a deep understanding, and a commanding voice responds. Trite as those lines may seem to be, they absolutely nail the emotions involved in such a quest, which is why what you're doing is such a perfect culmination of everything you've ever done to prepare . . . an immensity of its own.
Still know that we love and honor you . . . every day . . . and are proud and grateful that you and Alyce are in our lives.
Rik & Dianna