On the beautiful Friday afternoon of the Labor Day Weekend, Lois Klein gathered the centralmost members of the Central Coast of CA (all three of us) for a luncheon Fatherfest that didn't want to quit. Big surprise there!
Lois has a BEAUtiful home in a secluded area of Montecito, just next door to Santa Barbara, but in a world of its own. We ate outside with wine & pasta, played with Annie, & talked about our Dads, and how lucky WE all are to be enjoying the very fruits of their service.
Mackay from Ojai and Rik from Santa Barbara met for lunch as Lois' guests.
Dianna & Rik Peirson with Mackay & Gary Crampton. Annie (and what a bug she is) belongs to Lois.
Thanks to Lois Klein for the lunch and to Rik for the pictures.